International Convention of Asia Scholars 12 Kyoto- Call for Proposals

International Convention of Asia Scholars 12 Kyoto- Call for Proposals


ICAS is an active accelerator of research. It is organised by local hosts (universities, organisations and cities) in cooperation with the ICAS Secretariat. ICAS offers the organising host a unique opportunity to profile itself in the global framework of Asian studies. ICAS also connects in a dynamic way to the host city and attracts participants from all continents to engage in trans-sectoral dialogues on Asia that transcend boundaries between academic disciplines and geographic regions.

The venue for the ICAS 12 is the iconic modernist Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto Seika University will be the main host of ICAS 12, partner with the city, Kyoto Prefecture, The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto, and the city’s museums and craft centres.

Event will include panels and roundtable discussions, craft exhibitions, an Asian film festival and the ICAS Asian Studies Book Fair.

The special focus of ICAS 12 is Crafting a Global Future, but proposals for ICAS 12 may involve topics from all Asian Studies disciplines in the broadest possible sense. Topics may include, among others: Arts; Economy, Development and Urbanization; Education and Knowledge; Environment and Climate Change; Gender and Diversity; Heritage and Culture; History; Language and Literature; Media and Digital Age; Migration and Diasporas; Politics and International Relations; Philosophy, Religions and Beliefs; Society and Identity.

ICAS 12 Call for proposals:

The submission deadline for proposals is 1 October 2020. The special focus of ICAS 12 is Crafting a Global Future, but proposals may involve topics from all Asian Studies disciplines in the broadest possible sense.

提案說明:Individual Paper Proposal

For more info: ICAS 12






